
See the complete source code of Coin Collector


  • Three levels of increasing difficulty and size
  • Player movement using W, A, S, D keys
  • Randomly generated coins to collect
  • Randomly generated fires to avoid
  • Healing items that appear every 5 rounds
  • Step counter to keep track of player's moves
  • Game over when player's HP reaches zero
  • Option to restart the game after game over
  • Colorful ASCII art for game elements

C++ Features Used

The Coin Collector game project utilizes several modern C++ features, including:

  1. Move Semantics: Efficiently transfers ownership of resources using move constructors and assignment operators in the GameRunner class.

  2. RAII: RAII stands for Resource Acquisition Is Initialization, it manages resources by ensuring proper initialization and cleanup in the GameRunner class.

  3. Templates: Creates a generic GameRunner class templated on the type of game board elements for flexibility and reusability.

  4. Concurrency: Handles the game loop and user input simultaneously using separate threads (std::jthread).

  5. Lambdas: Uses lambda expressions for concise and inline functionality, such as filtering game board positions.

  6. std::barrier: Coordinates the execution of game loop and input processing threads to ensure synchronization.

  7. std::format: Provides type-safe string formatting for output messages.

  8. std::ranges: Performs operations on ranges of elements, aiding in the placement of game objects.


  • C++20 compiler
  • CMake 3.12 or higher

How to Play

  • Use the W, A, S, D keys to move the player up, left, down, and right, respectively.
  • Collect coins to increase your score and progress to the next level.
  • Avoid touching the fires, as they will decrease your HP.
  • Collect healing items (H) to restore your HP.
  • Press 'q' to quit the game at any time.
  • Press 'r' to restart the game at any time.

Code Structure

The project is organized into the following files:

  • GameRunner.h: Header file containing the declaration of the GameRunner class.
  • GameRunner.cpp: Implementation file for the GameRunner class, containing the game logic and mechanics.
  • main.cpp: Entry point of the program, creates an instance of GameRunner and starts the game.
  • CMakeLists.txt: CMake configuration file for building the project.


The project relies on the following C++ features and libraries:

  • C++20 standard library
  • <thread> for multi-threading support
  • <chrono> for time-related functionality
  • <format> for string formatting (C++20 feature)
  • <barrier> for thread synchronization (C++20 feature)
  • <ranges> for range-based operations (C++20 feature)